
Why World of Warcraft?

     I have been playing World of Warcraft for more than five years, and I still love it now. How could I play a game for such a long time but haven't felt bored yet? Apparently, it is because that WoW is really an amazing game, and in my opinion, it is the best game that I have ever played.

     Due to races and classes diversity, WoW looks not only a game, but it is more like a simple society. This WoW society is not as complex as our real society, but so many things, ways, and ideas, which work in real society, also work well in WoW. You choose the class, spec, which you like to be and professions which you like doing. There are a large number of types of materials for different professions. Besides using the materials for your profession, you can also trade them with other players or sell them in Auction House for golds. Moreover, the endless quests and the huge maps make you never feel bored with this game because it is really hard to explore the whole world completely.

     Additionally, dungeons, battlegrounds and arenas are the other reasons why WoW is that attractive. Raiding with the other 24 players for better gears, 1v2, 1v3 in battlegrounds and exciting fightings in arenas give me a lot of fun. The bosses in WoW's dungeons is well-knownly difficult, it is normal to spend like several weeks on one boss. However, just because of the difficulties, after downing the boss, the happiness is not comparable with the one you got from other things. In battlegrounds, can you imagine that a hunter playing with two or three people and then killing them all while kiting? Having other people be under your control is kind of wonderful feeling, isn't it?

     There are so many other interesting thing that you can do in WoW, you'd better explore it by yourself.

     Oh, by the way, have you ever seen that your screen be filled with tons of spells and addons? Go to WoW and enjoy the uncountable spells :)

