
Dungeons in WoW

     What can you do in WoW are simply divided into three parts, which are PVE, PVP and the other things. I will talk about them beginning with PVE because that is the basic way to gear up.

     PVE is pretty much doing dungeons, which have different player amount limit ----- five man dungeons, ten man dungeons, fifteen man dungeons, twenty-five man dungeons and forty man dungeons. Also, there has been three versions released so far. They are Classic(1-60), the Burning Crusade(60-70), Wrath of the Lich King(70-80) and Catalysm(80-85) which is going to be released on 12/07/2010. Let's start with some primary five man dungeons.

     When you hit lvl 15, you will find that an icon in your action bar is activated. It is a green, eyelike one, which is called Dungeon Finder. You can use this tool to find the dungeons which you can enter, and if you queue up with this tool, you will not have to run to the dungeon, instead, you will be conveniently teleported in.

     Five man Dungeons from lvl 15 - lvl 60 are all located in the previous area called Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdom, and are listed below:

    Name of Dungeons       /      Location      /  Level Range

1.Ragefire Chasm             /        Orgrimmar      /    15 - 16

2.The Deadmines              /        Westfall       /    15 - 20

3.Wailing Caverns            /      The Barrens      /    15 - 21

4.Shadowfang Keep            /   Silverpine Forest   /    18 - 25

5.Blackfathom Deeps          /       Ashenvale       /    20 - 27

6.Stockade                   /     Stormwind City    /    24 - 32

7.Gnomeregan                 /       Dun Morogh      /    24 - 33

8.Razorfen Kraul             /      The Barrens      /    25 - 30

9.Razorfen Down              /      The Barrens      /    33 - 40

10.Scarlet Monastery         /    Tirisfal Glades    /    34 - 45

11.Uldman                    /        Badlands       /    39 - 47

12.Zul'Farrak                /        Tanaris        /    43 - 47

13.Maraudon                  /        Desolace       /    43 - 49

14.The Temple of Atal'Hakkar /    Swamp of Sorrows   /    49 - 55

15.Blackrock Depths          /     Searing Gorge     /    55 - 60

15.Stratholme                /  Eastern Plaguelands  /    58 - 60

16.Scholomance               /  Western Plaguelands  /    58 - 60

17.Dire Maul                 /         Feralas       /    58 - 60

18.Lower Blackrock Spire     /     Searing Gorge     /    58 - 60

     Ten man, fifteen man and forty man dungeons in lvl 60 version are listed below: (fifteen man dungeons and forty man dungeons only exist in classic areas)

1.Upper Black Rock Spire     /     Searing Gorge     /    60 - 62    ( 10 man )

2.Zul'Gurub                  /   Stranglethorn Vale  /    60 - 62    ( 15 man )

3.Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj         /       Silithus        /    60 - 62    ( 15 man )

4.Molten Core                /     Searing Gorge     /    60 - 62    ( 40 man )

5.Blackwing Lair             /     Searing Gorge     /    60 - 62    ( 40 man )

6.The Temple of Ahn'Qiraj    /       Silithus        /    60 - 62    ( 40 man )

     The lvl 60 version is the acknowledged most classical one. Relatively the dungeons in that version were the most difficult. We needed one and a half to two hours to run through a lvl 60 five man dungeon, three to four hours for a fifteen man dungeons and 5 to seven or more hours for a forty man dungeons. Due to the too long time for raids, Blizzard cancelled fifteen man and forty man modes and added twenty-five man mode, and made the dungeons easier.

