
Cinematics of WOW

The original one

The Cinematic for the Burning Crusade

The Cinematic for Wrath of the Lich King

The Cinematic for Cataclysm


in 4.0.3a patch, under Marksmanship spec for Pve, [Haste Rating] VS [Mastery Rating]

     I have noticed that many people went to reforge the stats since the patch 4.0 and the new stat "mastery rating" came out. Some of them reforged critical rating into mastery rating, and the others reforged haste rating into mastery rating. So, I just started thinking that whether turning a lot of thses stats into mastery rating is worthy or worthless. Therefore, I did some math to check out. I will give out my stats for the example, and suggestion and corrections are always welcome.

    My stats: 2358 agility,1803-2317 damage,5818 attack power,21.47%(704 haste rating),59.30%(1494 critical rating),14%(0.00 mastery rating),8.23%(256 hit rating)

Gears:lvl277 T10 helm,
       lvl264 wodin necklace,
       lvl264 T10 shoulder piece
       lvl264 cloak exchanged with badges
       lvl264 chest piece exchanged with badges
       lvl277 bracer from 25 H gunship
       lvl264 T10 gloves
       lvl264 belt exchanged with badges
       lvl264 T10 pants
       lvl264 boots crafted by leatherworker
       lvl264 rings from 25 dreamwalker
       lvl277 rings got with exalted reputation with Icecrown Citadel
       lvl264 trinket got from 10 man heroic lady deathwhisper
       lvl264 trinket exchanged with badges
       lvl264 1h axe x2 droped from 10 man heroic gunship
       lvl264 bow dropped from 10 man heroic lady deathwhisper

Talent:2/31/3. The two points under Beastmastery are on One with Nature talent, and the three points under Survival are on Pathing talent.

Basic things you need to know:
       32.76 haste rating = 1% haste improvement.
       45.86 mastery rating=1.7% master improvement.

Then, we are able to compare haste rating with mastery rating.
First of all, take off all your gears and only keep the bow on. Now, (the speed of the bow)/(100%+3%) is your ranged attack speed. Here we adding 3% is because we put 3 points on the Pathing talent which increases ranged haste by 3%. If your bow has haste rating, your speed should be (the speed of the bow)/(100%+3%)/(the haste percentage your bow's haste rating increases)

a. After turning all the haste rating into mastery rating, I will have 277 mastery rating(25% chance to activate the effect of the master), 427 haste rating (13.02% ranged haste)

b. If I don't reforge any haste into mastery, I got 14% chance to activate the effect of the master and 704 haste rating (21.5% ranged haste)

Thus, under two different condition,

          ranged speed     chance of mastery activated    speed of steady shot   

a.            2.49s                        25%                                    1.72s
b.            2.32s                        14%                                    1.6s

   ranged speed with another 15% ranged haste    ranged speed with rapid fire

a.                                  2.16s                                                     1.54s
b.                                  2.02s                                                     1.44s

We suppose the combat lasts 4 min, the 15% ranged haste increased by the talent Improved Steady Shot always exists during the combat, and use rapid fire 4 times which will last 60 sec in the combat. Thus, the noncritical auto shots' damage should be:(assume every shot causes X damage)

a.  180/2.16*X+60/1.54*X+180/2.16*25%*1.15X+60/1.54*25%*X=155.2x
b.  180/2.02*X+60/1.44*X+180/2.02*14%*1.15X+60/1.54*14%*X=149.6x

The difference is (155.2-149.6)X. It is not hard to realize that the difference increases when the damage of auto shot increases. In other words, the more buffs, which makes good effects to your damage, you have, the large the difference will be. The average damage of my auto shot is 1600, so the difference is around 8960. Next, in order to know which of the two stats is better, we just need to caculate the different damage caused by steady shot and arcane shot under two conditions.

 Speed of steady shot with 15% ranged haste    Steady shot's speed with rapid fire
a.             1.49s                                                           1.0s
b.             1.39s                                                           0.9s

I did average 21 steady shots within 1 min. Now lets assume that we can do 63 steady shots in 3 min, and when we reforge all the haste rating into mastery rating, in theory, the mastery effect should be triggered 15 time, and all the shots take 93.87s; when we dont reforge any haste rating, the mastery effect should be triggered 8 times, and all the shots take 87.57s. 93.87-87.57=6.3s. We can use it to do three steady shots, and an arcane shot. However, the damage of three steady shots and an arcane shot is not as much as the additional 7 mastery shots do, which is able to cause 11270 damage.

Conclusion: In my opinion, in 4 min combat, without any buffs, in theory, turning all the haste rating into mastery rating would do more damage.

                                                                                                                      ------ Aquariusy, Tortheldrin

Sorry about missing some classes

     I am sorry about that. You know that the new version of WOW Cataclysm is going to be released on 7th December. Thus I was just getting everything prepared for Cata. There were really tons of stuffs I had to do. First of all, I needed to save 25 finished quests (25 is the max number of quests you can get at the same time) now for turning them in on 7th dec. right after the maintenance. Then I needed to collect the materials for the flasks, elixirs, potions, food, enchantings, gems, and even some bombs by myself. In addition, I needed to search some information about the maps of Cata and even like which zone is for what level. Anyway, I did have tons of things to do and again, sorry about missing the classes.


My first Spirit Beast

     As a hunter, definitely, pets are the most important part. Not only do hunters want the pets who can do highest damage, but we also like some sexy ones who might not be that good for fightings; they are rare and extremely eye-catching, and as you can imagine, they are also hard to find. This group of pets are called Spirit Beasts, who respawn every twelve to twenty-four hours. This weekend, I spent ten hours in waiting for one of the spirit beasts and finally caught it.

I had been just waiting here and never moving for ten hours.

For catching him, I downloaded an addon called "NPC scan" specially. Once he respawns in the range of yellow circle, this addon will alert me by a voice.

I also specially made a macro in case. It means if he is in the range where I can see, you hit the macro and you will get alert by a voice and text.

Finally got him and I named him after Cancer.

Dungeons in WoW 2

     In this post, mainly, i am going to talk about the reputation things and the dungeons in tBC and WotLK.
     From the classic version, the reputation thins were bonded with dungeons. When we were running the dungeons, we were also getting reputation of a faction. There are five possitive levels for each reputation. They are nuetral, friendly, honored, revered and exalted. The high level you are, the better benefits you can get from the corresponding factions.
     Next, i'm gonna indroduce the tBC and WotLK dungeons to you.

     The five man dungeons in tBC:

    Name of the dungeons    /    Location      /    level range

1.Hellfire Ramparts            /  Hellfire Citadel   /     60 - 62

2.The Blood Furnace            /  Hellfire Citadel   /     61 - 63

3.The Slave Pens               /  Coilfang Reservoir /     62 - 64

4.The Underbog                 /  Coilfang Reservoir /     63 - 65

5.Mana-Tombs                   /      Auchindoun     /     64 - 66

6.Auchenai Crypts              /      Auchindoun     /     65 - 67

7.Old Hillsbrad Foothills      /   Caverns of Time   /     66 - 68

8.Sethekk Halls                /      Auchindoun     /     67 - 69

9.The Arcatraz                 /     Tempest Keep    /        70

10.The Botanica                /     Tempest Keep    /        70

11.Shadow Labyrinth            /      Auchindoun     /        70

12.The Black Morass            /   Caverns of Time   /        70

13.The Steamvault              /  Coilfang Reservoir /        70

14.The Mechanar                /     Tempest Keep    /        70

15.The Shattered Halls         /  Hellfire Citadel   /        70

16.Magisters' Terrace          /  Isle of Quel'Danas /        70

     The ten man and twenty-five man dungeons in tBC

1.Karazhan                     /    Deadwind Path     /        70    ( 10 man )

2.Zul'Aman                     /      Ghostlands      /        70    ( 10 man )

3.Gruul's Lair                 /Blade's Edge Mountains/        70    ( 25 man )

4.Magtheridon's Lair           /  Hellfire Citadel    /        70    ( 25 man )

5.The Eye                      /     Tempest Keep     /        70    ( 25 man )

6.Serpentshrine Cavern         /  Coilfang Reservoir  /        70    ( 25 man )

7.Hyjal Summit                 /    Caverns of Time   /        70    ( 25 man )

8.Black Temple                 /  Shadowmoon Valley   /        70    ( 25 man )

9.Sunwell Plateau              /  Isle of Quel'Danas  /        70    ( 25 man )

     Five man dungeons in WotLK:

1.Utgarde Keep                 /     Howling Fjord    /      70 - 72

2.The Nexus                    /     Borean Tundra    /      71 - 73

3.Azjol-Nerub                  /     Dragon Blight    /      72 - 74

4.Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom   /     Dragon Blight    /      73 - 75

5.Drak'Tharon Keep             /     Grizzly Hills    /      74 - 76

6.The Violet Hold              /       Dalaran        /      75 - 77

7.Gundrak                      /        Zul'drak      /      76 - 78

8.Halls of Stone               /    The Storm Peaks   /      77 - 79

9.The Oculus                   /     Borean Tundra    /         80

10.Halls of Reflection         /    Icecrown Citadel  /         80

11.Utgarde Pinnacle            /    Howling Fjord     /         80

12.Pit of Saron                /    Icecrown Citadel  /         80

13.The Forge of Souls          /    Icecrown Citadel  /         80

14.The Culling of Stratholme   /   Caverns of Time    /         80 

15.Trial of the Champion       /Argent Tournament Grounds/      80

16.Halls of Lightning          /    The Storm Peaks   /         80


       Ten man and twenty-five man dungeons in WotLK

1.Naxxramas                    /     Gragon Blight    /         80   (10/25)

2.The Eye of Eternity          /    Borean Tundra     /         80   (10/25)

3.The Obsidian Sanctum         /    Gragon Blight     /         80   (10/25)

4.Ulduar                       /   The Storm Peaks    /         80   (10/25)

5.Onyxia's Lair                /   Dustwallow Marsh   /         80   (10/25)

6.Trial of the Crusader        /Argent Tournament Grounds/      80   (10/25)
7.Icecrown Citadel             /      Icecrown        /         80   (10/25)

8.The Ruby Sanctum             /     Gragon Blight    /         80   (10/25)


Dungeons in WoW

     What can you do in WoW are simply divided into three parts, which are PVE, PVP and the other things. I will talk about them beginning with PVE because that is the basic way to gear up.

     PVE is pretty much doing dungeons, which have different player amount limit ----- five man dungeons, ten man dungeons, fifteen man dungeons, twenty-five man dungeons and forty man dungeons. Also, there has been three versions released so far. They are Classic(1-60), the Burning Crusade(60-70), Wrath of the Lich King(70-80) and Catalysm(80-85) which is going to be released on 12/07/2010. Let's start with some primary five man dungeons.

     When you hit lvl 15, you will find that an icon in your action bar is activated. It is a green, eyelike one, which is called Dungeon Finder. You can use this tool to find the dungeons which you can enter, and if you queue up with this tool, you will not have to run to the dungeon, instead, you will be conveniently teleported in.

     Five man Dungeons from lvl 15 - lvl 60 are all located in the previous area called Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdom, and are listed below:

    Name of Dungeons       /      Location      /  Level Range

1.Ragefire Chasm             /        Orgrimmar      /    15 - 16

2.The Deadmines              /        Westfall       /    15 - 20

3.Wailing Caverns            /      The Barrens      /    15 - 21

4.Shadowfang Keep            /   Silverpine Forest   /    18 - 25

5.Blackfathom Deeps          /       Ashenvale       /    20 - 27

6.Stockade                   /     Stormwind City    /    24 - 32

7.Gnomeregan                 /       Dun Morogh      /    24 - 33

8.Razorfen Kraul             /      The Barrens      /    25 - 30

9.Razorfen Down              /      The Barrens      /    33 - 40

10.Scarlet Monastery         /    Tirisfal Glades    /    34 - 45

11.Uldman                    /        Badlands       /    39 - 47

12.Zul'Farrak                /        Tanaris        /    43 - 47

13.Maraudon                  /        Desolace       /    43 - 49

14.The Temple of Atal'Hakkar /    Swamp of Sorrows   /    49 - 55

15.Blackrock Depths          /     Searing Gorge     /    55 - 60

15.Stratholme                /  Eastern Plaguelands  /    58 - 60

16.Scholomance               /  Western Plaguelands  /    58 - 60

17.Dire Maul                 /         Feralas       /    58 - 60

18.Lower Blackrock Spire     /     Searing Gorge     /    58 - 60

     Ten man, fifteen man and forty man dungeons in lvl 60 version are listed below: (fifteen man dungeons and forty man dungeons only exist in classic areas)

1.Upper Black Rock Spire     /     Searing Gorge     /    60 - 62    ( 10 man )

2.Zul'Gurub                  /   Stranglethorn Vale  /    60 - 62    ( 15 man )

3.Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj         /       Silithus        /    60 - 62    ( 15 man )

4.Molten Core                /     Searing Gorge     /    60 - 62    ( 40 man )

5.Blackwing Lair             /     Searing Gorge     /    60 - 62    ( 40 man )

6.The Temple of Ahn'Qiraj    /       Silithus        /    60 - 62    ( 40 man )

     The lvl 60 version is the acknowledged most classical one. Relatively the dungeons in that version were the most difficult. We needed one and a half to two hours to run through a lvl 60 five man dungeon, three to four hours for a fifteen man dungeons and 5 to seven or more hours for a forty man dungeons. Due to the too long time for raids, Blizzard cancelled fifteen man and forty man modes and added twenty-five man mode, and made the dungeons easier.


Why World of Warcraft?

     I have been playing World of Warcraft for more than five years, and I still love it now. How could I play a game for such a long time but haven't felt bored yet? Apparently, it is because that WoW is really an amazing game, and in my opinion, it is the best game that I have ever played.

     Due to races and classes diversity, WoW looks not only a game, but it is more like a simple society. This WoW society is not as complex as our real society, but so many things, ways, and ideas, which work in real society, also work well in WoW. You choose the class, spec, which you like to be and professions which you like doing. There are a large number of types of materials for different professions. Besides using the materials for your profession, you can also trade them with other players or sell them in Auction House for golds. Moreover, the endless quests and the huge maps make you never feel bored with this game because it is really hard to explore the whole world completely.

     Additionally, dungeons, battlegrounds and arenas are the other reasons why WoW is that attractive. Raiding with the other 24 players for better gears, 1v2, 1v3 in battlegrounds and exciting fightings in arenas give me a lot of fun. The bosses in WoW's dungeons is well-knownly difficult, it is normal to spend like several weeks on one boss. However, just because of the difficulties, after downing the boss, the happiness is not comparable with the one you got from other things. In battlegrounds, can you imagine that a hunter playing with two or three people and then killing them all while kiting? Having other people be under your control is kind of wonderful feeling, isn't it?

     There are so many other interesting thing that you can do in WoW, you'd better explore it by yourself.

     Oh, by the way, have you ever seen that your screen be filled with tons of spells and addons? Go to WoW and enjoy the uncountable spells :)